Thursday, January 23, 2014

Seeing is believing

I was having a text discussion with my friend today. He told me that he normally does not BELIEVE someone when they tell him they have a goal. He says he pat's them on the back, but has little faith in them accomplishing their goals. Being the health and fitness coach that I am, I think theres a lot to say about someone who has made the decision to lead a healthier and more fit lifestyle. Like they say, if it was easy everybody would be doing it! If losing weight was a cinch, everyone would be skinny! Heck! I've struggled on many occasions, even daily! It wasn't until I realized that his thoughts were cynical. He feels this was about most people, and probably himself. So how can we get people to realize that there is more to BELIEVING than just SEEING? Well, nothing really other than actually showing that person that we are constantly working out or showing before and after pics or simply eating healthier. So why not show someone that you CAN do it instead of talking about it? Remember, its not easy. Results aren't going to happen over night, and I can help you! We all have that voice in our head that help us justify those excuses we tell ourselves. But I am here to SHUT THOSE VOICES OUT! Don't let that little voice overcome you. IF you truly want to be thinner, if you truly want to be healthier, if you truly have set a goal to lose weight and get in shape then SHOW YOURSELF! See it and BELIEVE IT! I believe in YOU! Email me at , we can do it together! GET IT DONE: IN  25 MINUTES A DAY!

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