Friday, September 26, 2014

Have you ever seen an overweight horse?

No! It's because horses only have nature to eat! Now I'm not saying we should all become vegetarians. But my point is that horses will only eat what they know, and what they know is grass and vegetables and such. 

Humans on the other hand, have developed many foods from nature. From a vegetable we've learned to make French fries. Mix a few natural ingredients together with man made ingredients and we have FATTY FOODS. 

In combination with a fast paced, stressed out society and fast food conveniences, we of course end up with a horrible trend of obesity. It's no wonder humankind is susceptible to diseases and chronic illnesses. 

We start at an early age learning how to eat healthy natural foods (baby food) like the horse does. But somewhere along the line during adolescence, we are introduced to good-tasting foods that make us happy. But little do we realize that those foods come at a price. 

Meanwhile the horse, living off the land, running free and with constant exercise, continues to live off the land and stays in beautiful shape. Have you ever seen a fat horse?? Heck no! The difference is what we eat! 

The horse knows no different. The horse nothing about French fries and hamburgers (unless a human intercedes of course). 

So why if the horse lives happy, healthy and in great shape by only eating from nature, can't a human live the same way? 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

I want to lose LB's

I WANT TO LOSE (X) amount of LB's


People focus on losing pounds or LB's because they may have excess fat

on their bodies. And when losing weight that excess fat will fall off first, causing the scale to reflect a smaller number.  But when you are already within your

"healthy weight range" (find yours here, measuring your LB's can be a bit deceiving, depending on how you are losing the weight.

Make sure you use different methods to calculate your fat loss (weight loss) such as measuring the circumfrence of your waist, arms & legs. 

These are the areas in which fat tends to accumulate first and is a beter way to measure actual fat loss. 

Don't worry about others and just get fit!

I think we spend too much time worrying about what other people think of us. If we made decisions solely on what WE WANT and what’s best for us, our lives would be so much more fulfilled and happier.

🔷I don’t wanna run outside, what if someone I know see’s me and makes fun of my form? ........If you are worried about your form, check some articles online that will help YOU, or ask a friend. And even if you’re still using bad form, there’s no harm in getting a suggestion from someone else to better YOURSELF 🏃🏃🏃🏃. Get out there and run!

🔷I don’t wanna order a salad, what if the cashier or my friends think I’m a prude because I want to eat healthy?........If they are you’re true friends, they will support your decisions. YOU and only YOU are responsible for your health and decisions you make towards your own goals.

🔷I don’t want to order the healthy plate, I’ll want to substitute too many healthy things and the waitress will think I’m being too picky and complain.......Chances are

You’re not the first to ask for substitutions.  And secondly, you are substituting items to better your health or to reach your own goals, it’s all about YOU. 

🔷I’m scared to wear no makeup outside my house (to work out) because someone will judge me and think I’m ugly......We are born with no makeup on and we are all beautiful. One persons idea about wether or not you look good doesn’t define YOU. Be confident and be free if you don’t want to wear makeup😀.

🔷I’m not going to use the weights at the gym because all the buff guys will laugh at me.....If you’ve never lifted weights before, make sure you take a guidebook with you to practice proper form. If a guy decided to laugh or make fun, ask him for help! One person judging you will not keep you from your goals as long as YOU keep trying. 

🔷I don’t like working out to DVDs, I’ll feel weird jumping up and down in my living room and my neighbor could see me through the window........Think of DVDs as a way for that trainer to come to your house and personally train YOU! It’s no different than watching a movie. And if you’re neighbor see’s you, ask him to join! Or tell him why you're working out. Who knows, maybe you'll inspire him/her to start soing what you're doing!😊

🔷Oh I could never be as fit as Jessica is. My body is just not meant for fitness........Think again. If you can move your body, you can be into fitness! If you keep saying you’re going to start working out and never do, message me I will help! Jessica should be your motivation and inspiration 😀👍. It's okay if she knows you've decided to be fit like her. YOU can be fit too; make it a goal and you’ll get there. 


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Food is for Fuel

 Food is for Fuel

Most of us have been trained by our parents and then society as we grow older, to eat for satisfaction. In other words, we learn to eat foods that TASTE GOOD. I'm right there with you! Eating yummy foods makes me happy : ) . We tend to forget that food is meant for fuel and nutrition.

 I think that if we all had to physically work for a living  we would think differently about food because ENERGY is required to MOVE, right? It seems as if society now is backwards. Most jobs are in an office or indoors and require little to no effort but high in stress. Stress + bad foods = lazy and overweight society. We start to train our brains that because we put ourselves through such stress and hard mental work, we deserve a big juicy extremely high in calorie hamburger and dehydrating beer or two or three after work. Then sit down on our comfy couch and let all that grossness fester inside our bodies only to suffer the consequences later. The consequence being high cholesterol, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and the list goes on.

Help me end the trend of obesity by taking YOUR part. Keep an active lifestyle and move your body at least 20 minutes a day , five days a week. Now I'm not saying be a gym rat by ANY means. (I don't even step foot in a gym ever).  It can be as easy as walking or doing a mix of push ups and stairs. Eat your fruits and vegetables everyday in fun, creative ways! You CAN eat tasty foods while eating healthy too! It's time to re-train your brain on what food is actually meant for, because ultimately the healthier you eat , the better quality of life you'll live for your friends and family. Take care!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Total weight lost: 6.6 lbs with the 3 day Shakeology cleanse!

I ended up losing 6 1/2 lbs with the 3 day Shakeology cleanse! How awesome is that? 
Now I'm not going to say it was easy. It was definitely one of the most tough things I've had to ever do but also totally worth it.
I decided to start the cleanse because my boyfriend and I gained some inexcusable weight during our week long vacation. So this weight did pack on pretty easy. Remember results will vary for you, but do plan on losing up 10 lbs depending on how much excess fat your body carries. 
My starting weight before the cleanse was 132 lbs (a weight I haven't been at in years!). I weighed in at 129.2 the evening of the first day. Then 127.4 lbs the morning of the second day. Then 125.6 lbs the morning of the third day. Then 125.4 lbs the morning after the cleanse. 
My boyfriend did the cleanse with me and also lost 6lbs. 
The cleanse is recommended to be used every 3 months and is a good way to cleanse out toxins from bad meals or to flush out your body and feel more fresh. 
Now the following info may be too much for you, but I'm not scared to share it! I did notice my bowel movement after the first day was bigger than normal but also a healthy one, if that makes sense without going into further detail. My boyfriend, however, did not have one bowel movement the entire three days. We were curious as to what happened and we found out that his body basically absorbed all the nutrients he was eating and lost weight because the nutrients were enough to sustain the energy he needed but all the food was absorbed by his body. So as you can see, the cleanse will affect different people in different ways but will usually result in weight loss either way. 
Please email me if you'd like to try the cleanse or if you have any questions.