Friday, September 26, 2014

Have you ever seen an overweight horse?

No! It's because horses only have nature to eat! Now I'm not saying we should all become vegetarians. But my point is that horses will only eat what they know, and what they know is grass and vegetables and such. 

Humans on the other hand, have developed many foods from nature. From a vegetable we've learned to make French fries. Mix a few natural ingredients together with man made ingredients and we have FATTY FOODS. 

In combination with a fast paced, stressed out society and fast food conveniences, we of course end up with a horrible trend of obesity. It's no wonder humankind is susceptible to diseases and chronic illnesses. 

We start at an early age learning how to eat healthy natural foods (baby food) like the horse does. But somewhere along the line during adolescence, we are introduced to good-tasting foods that make us happy. But little do we realize that those foods come at a price. 

Meanwhile the horse, living off the land, running free and with constant exercise, continues to live off the land and stays in beautiful shape. Have you ever seen a fat horse?? Heck no! The difference is what we eat! 

The horse knows no different. The horse nothing about French fries and hamburgers (unless a human intercedes of course). 

So why if the horse lives happy, healthy and in great shape by only eating from nature, can't a human live the same way? 

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