Sunday, September 7, 2014

Food is for Fuel

 Food is for Fuel

Most of us have been trained by our parents and then society as we grow older, to eat for satisfaction. In other words, we learn to eat foods that TASTE GOOD. I'm right there with you! Eating yummy foods makes me happy : ) . We tend to forget that food is meant for fuel and nutrition.

 I think that if we all had to physically work for a living  we would think differently about food because ENERGY is required to MOVE, right? It seems as if society now is backwards. Most jobs are in an office or indoors and require little to no effort but high in stress. Stress + bad foods = lazy and overweight society. We start to train our brains that because we put ourselves through such stress and hard mental work, we deserve a big juicy extremely high in calorie hamburger and dehydrating beer or two or three after work. Then sit down on our comfy couch and let all that grossness fester inside our bodies only to suffer the consequences later. The consequence being high cholesterol, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and the list goes on.

Help me end the trend of obesity by taking YOUR part. Keep an active lifestyle and move your body at least 20 minutes a day , five days a week. Now I'm not saying be a gym rat by ANY means. (I don't even step foot in a gym ever).  It can be as easy as walking or doing a mix of push ups and stairs. Eat your fruits and vegetables everyday in fun, creative ways! You CAN eat tasty foods while eating healthy too! It's time to re-train your brain on what food is actually meant for, because ultimately the healthier you eat , the better quality of life you'll live for your friends and family. Take care!

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